event burgee venue burgee

2024 Late Summer Series PM Handicap

Bough Beech Sailing Club

Results are final as of 12:20 on October 31, 2024


Sailed: 4, Discards: 1, To count: 3, Rating system: PY, Entries: 15, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank SailNo HelmName CrewName Class PY R2 Sep 1st R4 Sep 15th R5 Sep 22nd R6 Sep 29th Total Nett
1st 1721 Joe Warwicker Matthew Wostenholme RS200 1046 (16.0 DNC) 1.0 16.0 DNC 2.0 35.0 19.0
2nd 53117 Sam Harry 420 1100 (16.0 DNC) 6.0 2.0 16.0 DNC 40.0 24.0
3rd 1327     RS400 939 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 1.0 49.0 33.0
4th 21003 Sarah Seddon Rory Moppett 2000 1118 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 1.0 16.0 DNC 49.0 33.0
5th 30228 Yohei Harry Burgess SNIPE 1110 1.0 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 49.0 33.0
6th 5737 Steve Knowles   SOLO 1142 (16.0 DNC) 2.0 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 50.0 34.0
7th 28541 M Wolstenholme Finley Baker-Chile SNIPE 1110 2.0 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 50.0 34.0
8th 53983     420 1100 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 3.0 51.0 35.0
9th 55633 Sam Dexter 420 1100 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 3.0 16.0 DNC 51.0 35.0
10th 5359 Peter Edwards   SOLO 1142 (16.0 DNC) 3.0 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 51.0 35.0
11th 9611 Peter Rob Burgess SNIPE 1110 3.0 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 51.0 35.0
12th 759     420 1100 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 4.0 52.0 36.0
13th 5585 Callum Haus Fraser Ferguson 420 1100 (16.0 DNC) 4.0 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 52.0 36.0
14th 4330 Robert   SOLO 1142 (16.0 DNC) 5.0 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 53.0 37.0
15th 155889 Robert H   ILCA 7 / Laser 1102 (16.0 DNC) 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 16.0 DNC 64.0 48.0

R2 Sep 1st - 01/09/24 at 1216

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time
Rank SailNo HelmName CrewName Class PY Finish Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 30228 Yohei Harry Burgess SNIPE 1110 15:16:48 0:42:48 4 0:38:34 1.0
2 28541 M Wolstenholme Finley Baker-Chile SNIPE 1110 15:18:39 0:44:39 4 0:40:14 2.0
3 9611 Peter Rob Burgess SNIPE 1110 15:18:45 0:44:45 4 0:40:19 3.0

R4 Sep 15th - 15/09/24 at 14:21:00

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank SailNo HelmName CrewName Class PY Finish Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 1721 Joe Warwicker Matthew Wostenholme RS200 1046 14:59:40 0:38:40 3 0:36:58 1.0
2 5737 Steve Knowles   SOLO 1142 14:52:09 0:31:09 2 0:40:55 2.0
3 5359 Peter Edwards   SOLO 1142 14:52:22 0:31:22 2 0:41:12 3.0
4 5585 Callum Haus Fraser Ferguson 420 1100 14:52:00 0:31:00 2 0:42:16 4.0
5 4330 Robert   SOLO 1142 14:57:19 0:36:19 2 0:47:42 5.0
6 53117 Sam Harry 420 1100 14:57:00 0:36:00 2 0:49:05 6.0

R5 Sep 22nd - 22/09/24

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank SailNo HelmName CrewName Class PY Finish Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 21003 Sarah Seddon Rory Moppett 2000 1118 15:06:20 0:41:20 4 0:36:58 1.0
2 53117 Sam Harry 420 1100 15:06:12 0:41:12 4 0:37:27 2.0
3 55633 Sam Dexter 420 1100 15:08:55 0:43:55 4 0:39:55 3.0

R6 Sep 29th - 29/09/24

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank SailNo HelmName CrewName Class PY Finish Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 1327     RS400 939 14:59:42 0:19:42 3 0:20:59 1.0
2 1721 Joe Warwicker Matthew Wostenholme RS200 1046 14:54:39 0:14:39 2 0:21:01 2.0
3 53983     420 1100 15:10:00 0:30:00 3 0:27:16 3.0
4 759     420 1100 15:10:15 0:30:15 2 0:41:15 4.0



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