Covid-19 plans and precautions
Following the Government’s announcement of more relaxed leisure restrictions on 10 May, the Club has been able partially to reopen to permit paid up members to use the lake for social sailing at their own risk. The Clubhouse remains closed and there are no formal Club activities.
The Club is monitoring Government advice as it emerges as well as guidance from the RYA, and is planning how safely to resume as many of its activities as possible as soon as they are permitted.
We now have a new webpage on Coronavirus plans and precautions
A Covid 19 Management Team comprising the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore and Sailing Secretary have agreed an outline roadmap for the resumption of club activities which sets out the possible stages. It will be reviewed and revised according to the advice we receive. You can view it here.
The Management Team will also be drawing up a risk assessment for the permitted activities as we enter each stage of the roadmap. Members are encouraged to read the risk assessment for the current stage here and note the actions they are asked to take when visiting the club to both to minimise the risk or catching or spreading the Corona virus and for their own safety on the water.