Another group successfully completed the RYA Start Racing course today.
Felicity, Olly, Mark, Andy and Freddie all decided to explore the thrills (and yes, there was a few spills…!) of racing sailboats.
Despite the sometimes biblical September weather we have had, over the three Saturdays the sun shone and the wind was always in a manageable range between 6-12kts. A minor miracle!
The course covered all the essential elements of racing; the rules, the starting procedure, strategy and tactics, optimal use of the sail controls, mark rounding, penalty turns and lots more besides.
Each afternoon the session would finish with lots (and I do mean LOTS) of practice races. And as soon as there was a competitive element to the activity, it was really noticeable how everyone sharpened their concentration and the skill levels shot up. Judging the approach to the line, looking out for wind shifts, perfecting tacks and gybes and staying patient in the lulls. Appreciation of the key right of way rules also improved as the course progressed.
The racing was usually incredibly close and as the ability levels were so similar, everyone got to experience that fabulous feeling of finishing first. Our five newly qualified racers join a growing group of people who have successfully completed RYA Start Racing at Bough Beech, so look out for another group of talented sailors on the water, ready to hone their newly acquired skills!
Richard Lambert and John Williams
{*Editor’s comment – thank you so much to Richard and John for giving up their time to run this.}