(AS A RESULT OF GOVERNMENT AND RYA GUIDANCE OUR OPEN DAY HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER - DATE TO BE DECIDED)   Ever wanted to try dinghy sailing, windsurfing or stand up paddle boarding? Then now is your chance! Our friendly club in Edenbridge is opening its doors and would like to invite you to come and join us on the water for some fun and relaxation – and its FREE! Our experienced members will be there to show you [...]

2021-06-21T11:18:07+01:00 21 June 2021|News|

Windsurfing and SUP through the ages

Over the years windsurfing kit has changed considerable and we are sure our members and others have fond memories of driving to the beach or to Bough Beech, rigging up and getting on the water.  As a new person rediscovering the joy of windsurfing I am amazed at how easy the modern kit makes for learning and advancing.  I have some good memories of me cutting down dagger boards, cutting up booms and rolling sails around the mast just so [...]

2020-10-26T09:53:18+01:00 26 October 2020|News|

Windsurfing and SUPing Interest Grows

One of the unforeseen benefits of the current pandemic (there haven’t been many!) is that all summer we have been able to use the lake during daytime under buddy rules.  This has enabled many to enjoy the lake and discover the fun of simply sailing, more so with the growing number of windsurf members. There has even been a member out on a windsurf foil board which has raised a bit of a chat with the local fishermen.   We [...]

2021-06-11T10:17:58+01:00 7 October 2020|News|
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